#AlmightyPeople Eli from The Caker
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Contine Shopping31.08.22
#AlmightyPeople Eli from The Caker

We'd like for you to meet the lovely Eli, he's behind a number of the recipes for The Caker as well as it's day-to-day running. Pretty cool job.
Can you tell us a little about what it is that you do?
I develop recipes, look after wedding clients and manage the day-to-day running of The Caker.
What do you love the most about it?
Mostly I love the people I get to work with every day, whether it be my co-workers at our store on Karangahape Road or companies (such as yourselves) that we get to collaborate with.
What's the most exciting thing you’ve got to work on? We’d like to know!
A few weeks ago we revealed our new approach to decorating cakes which was hugely exciting for me. The Cakers' signature style is immediately recognisable and remains seminal to cake bakers around the country (a huge compliment), but it was about time for a revamp. Jordan and I worked with The Cakers' head-baker Jade to come up with something beautiful that remains true to our ethos of natural decorations and flavours. The response has been pretty heart-warming.
How did you come up with the passionfruit recipe for Almighty x The Caker? What’s the process like?
When Jordan founded The Caker in 2010 she came up with a strong repertoire of recipes that are easy to build new cakes from. I always refer back to these when I’m looking for guidance and inspiration. For the Passionfruit Cake, I looked at some past vegan, gluten-free cakes we’d created and adjusted them to cram in as much passionfruit as I could. The icing around the cake is made with freeze-dried pitaya powder which gives it this hot magenta hue that reminds me of the passionfruit can.
And your favourite The Caker cake would be…?
Damn, those are my kids! I'd have to say the Halva Milk Chocolate Hazelnut Cake is my favorite. Anyone who knows me, knows my love for tahini runs deep and this cake has the dreamiest tahini cream cheese buttercream on top which I go wild for.
Things must get pretty busy! How do you keep balance in your day-to-day life?
Haha, you bet they do. I love to sleep a lot, but when I’m awake I like to head to the tennis court, run, cook dinner with friends or eat out at some of the great spots on Karangahape Road such as 💜Pici 💜. When I have my whole day free I love to walk one of the many tracks along the west coast of Tāmaki Makaurau.