#AlmightyPeople Lula Cucchiara
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Contine Shopping21.07.22
#AlmightyPeople Lula Cucchiara

Where in Argentina did you grow up? How would you describe it in a few words?
I grew up in Còrdoba, in a small town called Villa General Belgrano which I will describe as dry, quiet, homemade & very German.
Why New Zealand?
As an Argentinian citizen, Aotearoa was one of the only countries I could apply for a work & holiday visa for 1 year, so I did that when I was 17 and I've been here ever since!
"I feel very lucky to be able to do what I love the most as a job"
Can you tell us a bit about what you do?
I'm a visual creative human being that enjoys seeing the world through a lens and it happens that I get paid for it most of the time! I feel very lucky to be able to do what I love the most as a job.
What got you into photography?
My family, friends and people I meet. I come from a very creative family and photography and film have always been around since I was very young. I always knew that was something I wanted to explore and the people I meet really inspire me to do so.
You've shot a lot of incredible things, what would be the highlight?
Making my first feature film documentary Fiona Clark: Unafraid - has been for sure a highlight in my career.
In a time of rollercoaster uncertainty, how do you find balance and motivation?
If you asked me this 3 months ago I wouldn't know what to answer, but luckily I just got back from travelling to Mexico to visit my family with my wife and baby and that trip was inspiring. I'm back fully motivated to collaborate with others and create cool stuff! So watch this space!