Personal Best - Artist Run Space
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Personal Best - Artist Run Space

Hi Doug & Prak can you tell us how your friendship started?
Wellington is a pretty small city, so it was inevitable that we would cross paths. Ghuznee Street has been a facilitator of some great things, and our friendship started there. Coffee Supreme (Doug) has Customs, their cafe, and at the time Precinct (Prak) was right next door. Now Prak and Nadya have Kaukau, still on Ghuznee St.
Can you please tell us a bit about Personal Best?
Personal Best is run club that
We’re based in Te Whanganui a Tara, Wellington.
We run every Wednesday at 5:30pm
We run trails on the last Sunday of each month with our friends Coffee Outdoors
Anyone is welcome to join us.
What does ‘Personal Best’ mean to you?
No matter where you’re at with running, everyone has their own personal best and that’s meaningful to them.
We love being a part of your creative community! How does Personal Best help you creatively?
A healthy mind is a creative one. So moving is always good for creativity. But perhaps more importantly it facilitates communication and conversation. That’s where good ideas and opportunities happen.
We encourage a balanced lifestyle at Almighty. You both have such busy schedules, do you have any tips on how to spend your time wisely?
Having a plan for the things you want to do is key. By simply having our PB Wednesday run in the calendar each and every week, means you prioritise it. Drop tools and make sure you can get there.
What’s your favorite street to run in Wellington?
We’d probably say running around Oriental Bay.
Happy 1st Birthday! What’s been a highlight from this year?
Do you have anything new or exciting coming up?
Highlight would have to be filling a bus with people and heading out to run the Escarpment Track.
Nothing planned as yet. More adventures we hope. But for now just maintaining what we have.
What’s the easiest way to keep up with what’s happening in the Personal Best calendar?
Our Instagram.
You’ve been there from the beginning of Almighty and we really appreciate your support.
If you got to collaborate with us, what flavour water would you like to do?
Almighty for Personal Best - Super magic lightweight water that you can pack extras on the long runs so you can have a real treat halfway or at the end.
Or maybe a water that tastes like a place or a memory.
If you had to drink one flavour of Almighty for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Blood Orange Sparkling Water - Doug
Yuzu & Lime Sparkling Water - Prak